Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just Monkeying around with daddy

trying to jump like the dolphins

went to the zoo with my buddy Owen and his sister Leah

we chased eachother in the water park

Dymitrik climbed up on the bed tucked himself in and started reading all by himself. Maybe he is ready for a big boy bed....

He loves painting!

Beautiful artwork!

My Favorite valentine

Grandma came to town and we went to see Nik Wallenda at the Circus. Since there wasn't many animals her and Daddy took me to the Zoo!


Daddy and D made a heart for mommy's valentine card out of lego!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Daddy and Dymitrik by our xmas tree

Dymitrik's first advent calendar with little chocolates for each day! Thanks grandma and grandpa K. He loved it!

Monster in a bucket!

Somebody was SO CRABBY he fell asleep ont he kitchen rug while daddy was cooking dinner!

When grandma C came to visit we went to the Big Cat Habitat!

My Cousin Alexander and I played ball!

I watched the Grinch with Daddy!

Grandma C bought me a Mickey chair!!!!!

Finally my own lawnmower!

I helped grandma and daddy cook dinner...not really

but I did play with more cousins!