Dymitrik's Memorial Day week trip to grandma and grandpa's places!

Grandma looks really good in her hat!

Got to go to the park with My Cousin Vinney

He's also my godfather :)

Got to play ball with my cousin Lucas!

Grandma showed me how to make a lot a noise!!!

Daddy pushed me around grandmas house in a truck!!!!

And took me to Pendleton park!

This is Daddy's friend who only has little girls! In think he was happy to hold me!

We went to the Buffalo ZOO!!!

I know how to growl like a polar bear now :)

And my favorite animal is the giraffe!

Oh and the LION GGRRRR!

We got to ride horses round and round!

Fathers day weekend daddy got to go fishing!

And he took me to the Clearwater Aquarium to see "Winter"

We stopped at a park so I could play before...

We went to the Dunedin Brewery..

And had to sit still...yeah right :)

Mommy takes me to the gym and daddy got to come this day!

I'm really good at monkeying around!

Oh and splashing around!

TS Debby didn't stop me from having fun!