Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week with Grandma

Grandma, Dymitrik and Daddy went to meet the RAYS!!! 

They got to play on the real playing field!!!Dymitrik of course brought his baseball mit and grandma got him a free ball. He loved it! Got to meet a few players.

Santa never brought Dymitrik his NEW CAR....but the neighbors offered us a used one. We advised him that mommy and Daddy will never be providing him with a new car but we would show him how to take care of his used one.....So we started by giving it a bath.

He even vacuumed the truck bed! Proud new owner of a Topless F150!

Then he got taken to just kidding...we took him to mini golf and he loved it!!!

I told you Grandma was in town right. Yep lots of treats..Chocolate and Ice Cream!! Yummy!

Now the best part Jeff' and Anna's treat. Bern's Steakhouse in Tampa. 4 Hours and $$$$ later. We had an amazing steak, tour of the kitchen (They can grilled 200 steaks at a time!!!) Better than any HGTV I've ever scene, tour of the wine cellar and an AMAZING floor dedicated strictly to Desserts!
Thanks Grandmas for watching D while we had a wonderful date night!