When Penny showed up we RAN to the beach!!!

She wasn't sure of the sand
But I told her dont worry it's alot of fun

So I took her hand

And showed her how to chase birds

And play in the water

Soon we were both jumping for JOY!

I love this place!

after getting all sandy we got cleaned up and into our pj's and Daddy read us a story before bed.

But we got to play a little longer :)

Aunt Jenn and Uncle Clay Penny and us went to MOTE!

We visited Grandpa and Mame for dinner. Which consisted of Cheese, Crackers and Ice cream!

The next day we went to the Jungle Gardens

And I saw this HUGE Giraffe!

And fed Flamingos...or ran from them

The last night Penny came over to play! We talked all night long!

And we got to Color again!

We're going to miss PENNY!

It was a pretty awesome trip