We had a great time at the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere! Next stop the Parthenon at Centennial Park.
The next morning Daddy and Dymitrik played Go Fish! and This Old Maid. It reminded me of the times playing at Grandma Mickey's with Steph. What great memories!
Our next stop was the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful Park with a huge TRAIN set, a hiking trail and tree house to play in!
So we visited A LOT of museums on our trip but this one was for Daddy!
Last day in Nashville and we stopped at the Children's Adventure Center!
Next stop Atlanta GA.....of course we had to go tot he Natural Museum of Science. This made for great day to get out of the rain ;)
This reminded me of the Toronto Science Museum. Can't wait to take the kids there some day.
Belive it or not Dymitrik still had some energy so at 3 pm we headed to the Atlanta Zoo! It was actually perfect timing all the field trips had ended for the day and we had most of it to ourselves!
Finally fell fast asleep before mommy! Ok not before mommy but before the sun went down. We had an amazing trip and are so happy we got to spend some one on one time with him before sister arrives!
Zoos III
Aquariums I
Museums III
Parks III
Trains III
Playgrounds IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.......
Life is good when you're a Dymitrik!